Intuitive Readings
a psychic reading is a commitment to yourself
in person, or distance
Energy Healings
treat yourself to a tune-up, connect mind-body-spirit
in person, or distance
Spiritual Coaching
via the combination of intuitive reading, energy healing, and guided meditation learn how to release, connect and take charge
in person, or distance
Family Clarity Techniques
tune-in, intuitively, with your family dynamic:
healing & progress for couples, parents, children, self
in person, or distance
Personalized Guided Meditation
insight, awareness, healing and growth for self, pregnancy, kids, groups, more!
in person, or distance
weddings, death, births, etc
shift/define the energy around anything – a powerful tool
in person, or distance
Space Energy Clearing
energetic/spiritual cleansing (kind of like a “saging”) – good for home, office, anywhere that needs a shift!
in person, or distance
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